Topsham, Maine
Burial sites are currently available.
A 48-compartment marble columbarium* is available for permanent urn storage. Each
compartment can hold two urns, as well as mementos. The compartment is covered
with a marble slab suitable for engraving. The not-for-profit, one-time cost is $500.
For further details, please call 207-208-0751.
* A columbarium is a repository for the respectful storage of cinerary urns (cremated remains). The term comes from the Latin columba (dove), which originally referred to the compartmentalized housing of doves.
Cemetery Rules
1) Hours open to the public, Sunrise to Sunset. Visitors on the property outside these hours will be considered trespassers and police will be
called. The Cemetery is closed December 1 to April 15. Gates will be closed. Speed limit 7 mph.
2) Children 12 years old and younger must have adult supervision for safety precautions. Be aware the very back edge of the property has a very
steep drop off.
3) Walkers, joggers and bicyclists are allowed. Medical scooters are allowed.
4) Motorized vehicles (scooters, snowmobiles, ATVs. etc.) are prohibited.
5) Leashed dogs are allowed on the property. Dog walkers must clean up after their dogs.
6) Smoking, drugs and alcohol consumption are prohibited.
7) Visitors should drive less than 7MPH staying in the roadways with acute awareness of markers, stones, and monuments.
8) The following are prohibited on all lots: artificial flowers, personal mementos, lights, lawn ornaments, shrubs, trees etcetera and will be
9) Fresh flowers in containers or planted flowers must be touching the stone they are placed next to.
10) Funeral flowers will be removed one week after the event.
11) The grounds crew reserves the right to remove items or plantings that impede grass maintenance or detract from a good appearance.
12) Perpetual care for all lots is provided by the association.
13) Visitors are required to remove trash and debris related to their visit and may not dispose of it on the perimeters.
14) Veteran Memorial metal stands and flags must be touching the headstone they are representing. American flags may be placed one week prior
to Memorial Day and removed by October 1. Flags will be placed touching the center of the main headstone/monument/flat stone.
Please call Bill Littlefield, Grounds Committee Chairman, with questions (207-208-0751).

Burials and Urns
Click image to enlarge